Introducing "The eGun SystemTM" an evolution in HVOF technology
FST is pleased to introduce an ethanol fueled, ultra-high pressure HVOF System (The eGun System�) and the accompanying eGun�. A revolutionary design in the area of the combustion chamber allows a more efficient burning process and a much higher burning gas velocity than conventional HP/HVOF. Combustion chamber pressures up to 13 bars, offers preparation of the thermally sprayed coating with unique physical and mechanical properties with significant less oxygen consumption.
Pleasantly surprised by the results of the spray trials we have run with regard to coating quality and cost savings.
Ethanol�������� Environment friendly
Enhanced����� Produces denser coatings as a result of operating at higher combustion chamber pressures
Efficient������� Significantly increased DE due to optimum particle concentration and positioning inside the barrel
Economical��� Reduced costs compared to other HVOF processes
Ecological����� Consumes approximately significant less oxygen and requires 1/3 of the cooling power
and we have only scratched the surface.......