Suspension & Solution Plasma Spray

Tuesday, May 12, 2015: 4:00 PM-5:40 PM
Room 102C (Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center)
Session Chair:
Prof. Armelle Vardelle
4:00 PM
Droplet And Particle Dynamics In Solution Precursor Plasma Spraying
Mr. William Duarte, University of Limoges; Dr. Simon Goutier, University of Limoges; Prof. Sylvie Rossignol, University of Limoges; Prof. Armelle Vardelle, University of Limoges; Prof. Michel vardelle, University of Limoges
4:20 PM
Effect of substrate roughness and topography on splat formation in suspension plasma spraying
Mr. Guillaume bidron, University of Limoges; Dr. Simon Goutier, University of Limoges; Dr. Paule Denoirjean, University of Limoges; Prof. Michel Vardelle, University of Limoges
4:40 PM
Modeling of The Self-assembly of Nanoparticles into Branched Solid Aggregates for a Suspension Droplet
Mr. He Zhang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology; Prof. Yanguang Shan, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
5:20 PM
See more of: Fundamentals/R&D