Macroline®: new solution to improve abrasive wear resistance

Wednesday, May 9, 2018: 9:20 AM
Naples 3 (Gaylord Palms Resort )
Mr. Oliver Lanz , H.C. Starck STC GmbH, Laufenburg, Germany
Dr. Andrea Scrivani , H.C. Starck STC GmbH, Goslar, Germany
Whenever it comes to abrasive wear situations, the use of tungsten based carbides combined with a metal matrix increases the wear resistance of weld overlays. Two types of tungsten based carbides, namely the cast tungsten carbide and the macro crystalline tungsten carbide, are widely established on the market. This paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of these 2 solutions with respect to achievable mechanical properties and weldability. Moreover a new material is presented, specifically designed to overcome the limits of these 2 standard solutions. Macroline® MTC was developed to combine the positive properties of each type of carbide: the good mechanical properties of the CTC and the stability while welding of the macro crystalline tungsten carbide. Complete characterization from the point of view of chemical and physical characteristcs as well as weldability and wear resistance tests are presented. Finally the recent development work related to Macroline® has shown new potentials, e.g. the ability to be processed with matrix alloys out of the Ni(Cr)BSi system.