Single-Particle Deposition of Polymeric Materials by Cold Gas Spray

Thursday, May 27, 2021
Ms. N. Salazar , Thermal Spray Centre (CPT), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. A.M. Martos , Thermal Spray Centre (CPT), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. S. Dosta , Thermal Spray Centre (CPT), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. I. G. Cano , Thermal Spray Centre (CPT), University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Since the invention of Cold Gas Spray (CGS) by Papyrin et al in mid-1980s, this technology has experienced a significant progress in the field of metallic materials. However, its application with polymeric materials, has a clear delay, with many uncertainties in the fundamental aspects, equipment design, process parameters and material characteristics, required for its proper deposition.

Due to the importance of single particle impact phenomena in CGS, individual particle splats of different polymeric materials were deposited on several substrates with different surface preparations, nozzles, and CGS process parameters. The powder raw material was characterized by means LS (Laser Scattering), Electron Microscopy, DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) and IR (Infrared Analysis). The splat formation, deformation, shape, and splat-substrate interaction, were analyzed by Electron Microscopy, and compared with the initial particle raw material, and the respective coatings, obtained with equivalent splat conditions.

In contrast with metallic materials, together with the kinetic energy, the thermal energy and material properties, seem to play a more relevant role in the deposition of polymeric materials.

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