Cost-Effective Suspension Plasma Sprayed Yttria Coatings for Applications in the Semiconductor Industry

Thursday, May 27, 2021: 11:30 AM
Dr. Richard Trache , Treibacher Industrie AG, Althofen, Austria
Dr. Rafael Oliveira da Silva , Treibacher Industrie AG, Althofen, Austria
Miniaturization of electronic devices, larger and higher resolution displays increase the quality requirements of coatings for etching chambers where semiconductors are produced. Higher wear resistance is needed and the tolerance limits are narrowed for fewer and smaller particle emission. At the same time, equipment manufactures experience higher cost pressure and more demanding lead times for their products.

In this study, a high solid content (60 wt.%) non-flamable Y2O3-suspension was developed with a special focus on long shelf life. This suspension was sprayed by high-power plasma spray systems with axial injection to produce dense and corrosion resistant coatings on aluminium substrates. Hardness, bond strength, corrosion wear, and electric break through voltage of these coatings were evaluated and basic measures for the efficiency of the coating process like deposition rate and deposition efficiency are presented.