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Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 1:30 PM
SES 2A.1

Lead Presentation: Status and Trends in Laser Micro Machining of Metallic Medical Components

M. T. Strobel, A. Schuessler, ADMEDES SCHUESSLER GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany

Laser machining is a key technology in manufacturing of miniaturized metallic components for interventional devices. Some applications, such as stents, are only made possible by the availability of corresponding laser cutting technology. In the last years, new laser sources with novel resonator architectures and diode-pumped cavities providing a high beam quality have been developed for ultra fine machining. Femto second lasers enable a burr-free material removal due to their ultra short laser pulses. The authors review the current state and present own results on laser micro-machining of metallic implant materials including stainless steel, Co-Cr-alloys (L605, MP35N), Tantalum, Niobium, Nitinol and Titanium alloys using conventional and new laser techniques for laser precision cutting, laser milling (ablation) and laser welding. Results are discussed with regard to process efficiency and process reliability, the potential towards further miniaturization and the effect on material and functional device properties using optical and electron microscopy, surface analytical methods and mechanical testing.