M. Mazar Aabaki, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran; A. Heidarian, Tehran University, tehran, Iran; M. G. Hosseini, Tabriz University, Tehran, Iran
The inhibition effects of inorganic bivalent cations carbonate (CaCo3&BaCo3) and sodium polyphosphate on corrosion of carbon steel in diunized distilled water has been studies using electrochemical impedance and polarization measurements. The synergistic inhibition effects of poly phosphate on the inhibition of bivalent cations carbonate were studied. The results illustrated that carbonates and polyphosphates can be useful as corrosion inhibitors for reducing the corrosion of carbon steel in water system. The optimal concentration for bivalent cations carbonate (CaCo3&BaCo3) was determined to be 10ppm and for poly phosphate was 15ppm. The optimum ratio of concentration for carbonate to polyphosphate was 2:3. The inhibition efficiency of calcium carbonate with sodium poly phosphate was higher than that of barium carbonate with sodium polyphosphate.
Summary: The inhibition effects of inorganic bivalent cations carbonate (CaCo3&BaCo3) and sodium polyphosphate on corrosion of carbon steel in a diunized distilled water have been studies using electrochemical impedance and polarization measurements.
The synergistic inhibition effects of polyphosphate on the inhibition of bivalent cations carbonate were studied.
The results illustrated that carbonates and poly phosphates can be useful as corrosion inhibitors for reducing the corrosion of carbon steel in water system.
The optimal concentration for bivalent cations carbonate (CaCo3&BaCo3) was determined to be 10ppm and for polyphosphate was 15ppm.
The optimum ratio of concentration for carbonate to polyphosphate was 2:3.
The inhibition efficiency of calcium carbonate with sodium poly phosphate was higher than that of barium carbonate with sodium polyphosphate.