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Poster Session
Location: JW Pavillion (Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Salon F)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description:

Session Chair:Mr. Jeremy Gilbert Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Effect of Casting Size on the Ą-case of Titanium
Custom 465® Offers Significant Advantages Over Other Precipitation-Hardened and Austenitic Stainless Steels for Cutting and Shaping Instruments
The Osseointegration of Porous Materials Using a Rabbit Femoral Defect Model
Phase-separated Hydrogels Comprised of Both Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Segments
Identifying When Volume Or Number Based Methods of Characterizing Particulate Implant Debris Are Inappropriate
Barium and Calcium Carbonate/Polyphosphate Combinations Control
Magnetically Activated Materials: Inductively Heated Shape Memory Polymers
Chemical Properties of Vitamin E-Blended UHMWPE
Characterization of Nitinol Material Behavior for the Design and Validation of Medical Implants