G. A. Knorovsky, D. O. MacCallum, R. A. Roach, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM; V. V. Semak, Applied Research Lab, College Park, PA
The recoil force created by a highly focused beam produces a keyholing effect at intensities of several kW/mm2. Recent calculations indicate that at small beam diameters needed for true microwelding, this force may effectively causing drilling upon the onset of melting. These calculations neglect surface tension, which at radii of curvature <10 microns produces restraining forces of >bar. In this work we will present efforts at combining dynamic modelling which treats surface tension, validation experiments and determination of practical thresholds for very small welds.
#Sandia is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Summary: The recoil force created by a highly focused beam produces a keyholing effect at intensities of several kW/mm2. Recent calculations indicate that at small beam diameters needed for true microwelding, this force may effectively causing drilling upon the onset of melting. These calculations neglect surface tension, which at radii of curvature <10 microns produces restraining forces of >bar. In this work we will present efforts at combining dynamic modelling which treats surface tension, validation experiments and determination of practical thresholds for very small welds.