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Session 10: Materials for Fuel Cell Systems/Plants
Location: C 214 (Greater Columbus Convention Center)
(Please check final room assignments on-site).
Session Description:

Session Chairs:Dr. James Rakowski ATI Allegheny Ludlum, Brackenridge, PA
Ms. Margaret Zio-Morok Albany Research Center, Albany, OR
2:00 PMDevelopment of New Nickel Alloys with Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
2:30 PMEvaluation of Ni-Based Alloys for Potential SOFC Interconnect Applications
3:00 PMEvaluation of Haynes 242 Alloy as SOFC Interconnect Material
3:30 PMThe Effect of Manganese Additions on the Reactive Evaporation of Chromium in Ni-Cr Alloys
4:00 PMMaterials Issues for Balance of Plant Components
4:30 PMAn Improved Creep and Oxidation Resistant Stainless Steel for Heat Exchanger and Recuperators