Using the Wave Technology for Heat Treatment of Steels

Tuesday, September 11, 2012: 9:00 AM
Atlantic D (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Dr. Alexey Sverdlin , Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI
Matthew Panhans , Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI
Dr. Arnold Ness , Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Dr. Rivner F. Ganiev , Scientific Center of Unlinear and Wave Technology, Moscow, Russia
Using the Wave Technology for Heat Treatment of Steels A. Sverdlin, M. Panhans, Milwaukee School of Engineering, USA A. Ness, Bradley University, USA, R. Ganiev, Research Scientific Center of Non-Linear Wave Mechanics and Technology, Moscow, Russia Today the wave technology can be used for many technological processes in machine build industry such as hardening of steels, impregnation of fibrous and porous materials by liquid-dispersed mediums, producing of fine-dispersed and resistant to separating into layer emulsions, high quality mixing of liquid metals with powders, and so on. Based on wave technology there are many new modern models of equipment for coloring of textile materials, for producing of lacquer-paint materials, for preparation of cement and concrete materials were developed. This paper deals with the application of the wave technology to heat treat steel parts. This technology is the new direction in science and industry. It based on using of nonlinear effects, which took place during excitation of nonlinear oscillations into multiphase (liquid - gas - solid particles) mediums for quenching of carbon steels in machine building industry. The opportunity of further development of quenching processes such as increasing mechanical and service properties, crack resistance is shown. Experimental data confirm this opportunity.