Quenchants - I

Tuesday, September 11, 2012: 8:00 AM-10:30 AM
Atlantic D (Radisson Blu Aqua)
Session Chair:
Dr. Michiharu Narazaki
8:00 AM
Gas Vs. Liquid Quenching- A Direct Comparison
Mr. Robert Hill, Solar Atmospheres of Western PA
8:30 AM
Salt Bath Quenching for Minimum Distortion
Mr. Gajen P. Dubal, Heatbath/Park Metallurgical Corporation
9:00 AM
Using the Wave Technology for Heat Treatment of Steels
Dr. Alexey Sverdlin, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Matthew Panhans, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Dr. Arnold Ness, Bradley University; Dr. Rivner F. Ganiev, Scientific Center of Unlinear and Wave Technology
9:30 AM
Effect of Contamination On the Heat Transfer of Quench Oils
Dr. D. Scott MacKenzie, Houghton International; Gloria Graham, Houghton International; Joe Jankowski, Houghton International
10:00 AM