Nitinol Continuously Flat-Rolled Sheet and their Properties

Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Grand Pacific Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Mr. Andreas Keck , G.RAU GmbH & Co. KG, Pforzheim, Germany
Mrs. Katarzyna Plaskonka-Weisenburger , G.RAU GmbH & Co. KG, Pforzheim, Germany
Dr. Jochen Ulmer , EUROFLEX GmbH, Pforzheim, Germany
Dr. Alan R. Pelton , G.RAU Inc., Scotts Valley, CA
Dr. Stefan Knoll , G. Rau GmbH & Co. KG, Pforzheim, Germany
The continuous rolling of Nitinol alloys is a metalworking process with the ability to produce large quantities of sheet with uniform properties. Great advantages of continuous rolling in comparison with other manufacturing methods are the cold work and heat treatment steps and their ability to influence the properties of the product and keep them in a very tight window over the width and the length of the process. Those tightly controlled properties are key-requirements to use the continuous rolled Nitinol material for subsequent automated processes like stamping in progressive dies or deep-drawing. It is also required for efficient reel-to-reel Laser- or EDM cutting.

The primary objective of this work is to evaluate and obtain the properties of Nitinol continuously flat-rolled sheets and optimization of the process parameters by fatigue evaluation. In order to determine the fatigue properties, bending tests with a fully reversed bending angle of ±180° and a sheet thickness of 0.2 mm were conducted at room temperature. A minimum bending radius of 7 mm and a maximum bending radius of 25 mm were used for this study. The superelastic Nitinol materials used for testing were manufactured with two different grain sizes, and different final heat treatments. Additional to fatigue testing, differential scanning calorimetry measurements and tensile testing have been conducted. The mechanical, thermal, and fatigue properties of the manufactured materials were compared and rated. The extended data evaluation shows the repeatability of fatigue properties of the continuously processed sheets under severe cyclic bending conditions.

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