SMAnalytics – An Automated Software for the Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy Test Data

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 2:15 PM
Carlsbad A&B (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Mr. Glen S Bigelow , NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Mr. Zachary Toom , HX5, LLC, Cleveland, OH, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Othmane Benafan , NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Over 60 years of SMA research and development, properties of these alloys have been measured through a variety of testing methods, often customized by the organization performing the test. Two of these methods have recently been standardized (ASTM E3097 – Standard Test Method for Mechanical Uniaxial Constant-Force Thermal Cycling of SMAs, and ASTM E3098 – Standard Test Method for Mechanical Uniaxial Pre-Strain and Thermal Free-Recovery of SMAs), and are used to measure strains and transformation temperatures under constant loads or under free recovery. However, despite the multitude of organizations producing, testing, and using SMAs, there are no uniform programs or software packages for post processing test data to extract property data. In most cases, data is manually fit via graphing or custom developed code routine, which introduces person-to-person and organization-to-organization variability in data analysis. To address this, we have developed a software suite to allow automated analysis of shape memory properties from raw test data. The suite covers both new ASTM methods, as well as modifications to the methods, including loading in martensite versus austenite, or performing multiple thermal cycles at stress. The software also extends to analysis of other common tests such as DSC, constant torque thermal cycling tests and isothermal tests. After analysis, the program allows automatic exporting of the data to the ASTM standard report format or to a tabulated format, which can be imported into the NASA Shape Memory Materials Database. The software is also configured to export figures with overlaid analysis points for visualizing results.