Microstructure characterizations and standards I

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Carlsbad A&B (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Dr. Harshad M. Paranjape, Confluent Medical Technologies, Inc. and Dr. Behnam Amin-Ahmadi, Confluent Medical Technologies, Inc.
2:00 PM
Shape Memory Materials Database (SMMD): Finding Data Anomalies & Trends
Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center; Dr. Peter E. Caltagirone, NASA Glenn Research Center, Oak Ridge Associated Universities; Mr. Sean A. Bostic, Peerless Technologies Corporation
2:15 PM
SMAnalytics – An Automated Software for the Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy Test Data
Mr. Glen S Bigelow, NASA Glenn Research Center; Mr. Zachary Toom, HX5, LLC, NASA Glenn Research Center; Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center
2:30 PM
3D Grain Maps of Intragranular Misorientation During Load-Biased Thermal Cycling
Mr. Wenxi Li, University of Michigan; Prof. Darren Pagan, Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Lee Casalena, Thermo Fisher Scientific; Prof. Michael J Mills, The Ohio State University; Prof. Aaron Stebner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Prof. Ashley N. Bucsek, University of Michigan
2:45 PM
ASMADA—A tool for automatic analysis of shape memory alloy thermal cycling data under constant stress
Mr. Matthew Kuner, Texas A&M University; Dr. Anargyros Karakalas, Texas A&M University; Dr. Dimitris C. Lagoudas, Texas A&M University
3:00 PM
Automated Data Extraction Techniques for SMAs
Mr. Dylan Kennedy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Prof. Aaron Stebner, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Branden Kappes, Colorado School of Mines, KMMD, LLC
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