Radiopaque Shape Memory Polymer Foam with Iodine Motifs and Tantalum Microparticles

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 9:45 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Mrs. Lindy K. Jang , Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Dr. Landon D Nash, PhD , Shape Memory Medical, Santa Clara, CA
Grace Fletcher , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Mr. Thomas Cheung , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Andrew Seowito , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Prof. Duncan Maitland , Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, Shape Memory Medical, Santa Clara, CA
Shape memory polymer (SMP) foams are soft and porous materials with high surface area and large volumetric expansion capabilities that are well suited for endovascular occlusion applications, including cerebral aneurysm embolization. However, many polyurethane SMP foams are inherently radiolucent when X-ray visibility is required to ensure the safe delivery of the foam to the targeted aneurysm site using fluoroscopy. In this work, highly radio-dense tantalum microparticles were added to a previously
reported triiodobenzene-containing SMP foam (ATIPA foam) premix to fabricate ATIPA foam-tantalum composites (AT_T). The AT_T foams showed comparable thermal properties, faster expansion profiles, increased X-ray visibility, and faster oxidative degradation compared to the control ATIPA foam without tantalum. The mechanical properties were improved up to 4 vol% tantalum and the X-ray visibility was most appropriate for the 2 vol% (AT_2%T) and 4 vol% (AT_4%T) tantalum foams. E-beam sterilization did not impair the critical properties of the ATIPA foams. Overall, AT_2%T was the optimal foam composition for neurovascular prototypes due to its high oxidative stability in vitro compared to previous low-density SMP foams. The AT_T foams are very promising materials with high toughness and sufficient X-ray visibility for use as neurovascular embolization devices.