Beyond alloys: Shape memory polymers and ceramics I

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Prof. Christopher A. Schuh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Mr. Chung H. Yeh, Shape Memory Medical
9:00 AM
Tuning Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Shape Memory Polymer Foams for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Sayyeda Marziya Hasan, Ph.D, Shape Memory Medical, Inc.
9:45 AM
Radiopaque Shape Memory Polymer Foam with Iodine Motifs and Tantalum Microparticles
Mrs. Lindy K. Jang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Texas A&M University; Dr. Landon D Nash, PhD, Shape Memory Medical; Grace Fletcher, Texas A&M University; Mr. Thomas Cheung, Texas A&M University; Andrew Seowito, Texas A&M University; Prof. Duncan Maitland, Texas A&M University, Shape Memory Medical
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