Production and processing I

Tuesday, May 17, 2022: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Carlsbad A&B (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Dr. Alberto Coda, SAES Getters S.p.A. and Dr. Marcus L. Young, University of North Texas
9:00 AM
Melting and Processing of Shape Memory Alloys: A CASMART Review
Ms. Faith Gantz, University of North Texas; Dr. Nathan A. Ley, University of North Texas; Dr. Marcus L. Young, University of North Texas; Mr. Alexander Demblon, Texas A&M University; Mr. Jacob L. Mingear, Texas A&M University; Dr. Hande Ozcan, Texas A&M University; Dr. Raj Vaidyanathan, University of Central Florida; Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center; Mr. Glen S Bigelow, NASA Glenn Research Center; Dr. Travis L Turner, NASA Langley Research Center; Dr. Robert W. Wheeler, Sandia National Laboratories; Dr. Mathew Carl, ATI Specialty Alloys and Components; Mr. Micheal Bass, The Boeing Company; Dr. Frederick Calkins, The Boeing Company; Dr. Douglas E Nicholson, The Boeing Company; Mr. Jeff Brown, DYNALLOY, Inc.; Dr. Mohammad Ibraheem Khan, Smarter Alloys
9:15 AM
The Assessment of Physical and Mechanical Property Variability in a New Generation of Low Inclusion NiTi Alloy
Dr. Weimin Yin, SAES Smart Materials; Mr. Frank Sczerzenie, SAES Smart Materials; Rich Lafond, SAES Smart Materials
9:30 AM
Laser Processing of Hf-Lean NiTiHf Alloy to Induce High Temperature Shape Memory Effects
Mr. Siu Kei Tang, Smarter Alloys; Dr. Jak Li, Smarter Alloys; Dr. Michael L Kuntz, Smarter Alloys; Dr. Othmane Benafan, NASA Glenn Research Center; Dr. Mohammad Ibraheem Khan, Smarter Alloys
9:45 AM
Variation of material properties in tilt-cast Cu-Al-Ni alloy
Mr. Benjamin Schelnberger, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Romina Krieg, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Ralf Theiß, FGW Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e. V.; Dr. Peter Dültgen, Forschungsgemeinschaft Werkzeuge und Werkstoffe e.V.
See more of: Technical Program