Fatigue and fracture I

Tuesday, May 17, 2022: 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Dr. Dhiraj Catoor, Medtronic and Prof. Huseyin Sehitoglu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
9:00 AM
Introduction of a normalized measure of functional fatigue for the benchmark of cyclic stability of pseudoelastic NiTi wires
Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Christian Grossmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. André Kortmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Alexander Paulsen, Ingpuls GmbH; Prof. Jan Frenzel, Ruhr University Bochum; Prof. Gunther Eggeler, Ruhr University Bochum
9:15 AM
Crack Growth under Actuation Loading in a NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloy
Mr. Benjamin Young, Texas A&M University; Dr. Behrouz Haghgouyan, Texas A&M University; Prof. Theocharis Baxevanis, University of Houston; Dr. Dimitris Lagoudas, Texas A&M University; Dr. Ibrahim Karaman, Texas A&M University; Mr. Roberto Orrostieta, Doctoral Student, Texas A&M University
9:30 AM
Extending the Fatigue Life of NiTiHf High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys through Partial Thermal Cycling
Mr. Alexander Demblon, Texas A&M University; Mr. James H Mabe, Texas A&M University; Dr. Ibrahim Karaman, Texas A&M University
9:45 AM
Effect of Thickness on Fracture Toughness of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy
Mrs. Basak Abut, Texas A&M University; Dr. Behrouz Haghgouyan, Texas A&M University; Dr. Ibrahim Karaman, Texas A&M University; Dr. Dimitris Lagoudas, Texas A&M University
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