Elastocaloric potential in SMAs I

Thursday, May 19, 2022: 2:00 PM-2:45 PM
Sunset Ballroom (Westin Carlsbad Resort)
Prof. Jun Cui, Iowa State University and Dr. Paul Motzki, Saarland University
2:00 PM
Effects of alloy compositions and microstructures of Ni-Ti-based shape memory alloys on ferroic cooling performance
Prof. Jan Frenzel, Ruhr University Bochum; Dr. André Wieczorek, Ruhr University Bochum; Prof. Gunther Eggeler, Ruhr University Bochum
2:15 PM
Mechanical properties and latent heats of low hysteresis NiTi shape memory alloy components for elastocaloric cooling applications
Dr. Christian Grossmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. André Kortmann, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Alexander Paulsen, Ingpuls GmbH; Mr. Fabian Franke, Ingpuls GmbH; Mr. Nicolas Michaelis, Saarland University; Mr. Felix Welsch, Saarland University, Intelligent Material Systems Lab; Ms. Susanne-Marie Kirsch, Saarland University, Intelligent Material Systems Lab; Ms. Franziska Louia, Saarland University, Intelligent Material Systems Lab; Mr. Lukas Längler, Saarland University, Intelligent Material Systems Lab; Prof. Stefan Seelecke, Saarland University; Dr. Paul Motzki, Saarland University
2:30 PM
Elastocaloric potential in copper-based SMAs through a combinatorial approach
Dr. Gaoyuan Ouyang, Ames Laboratory; Prof. Jun Cui, Iowa State University, Ames Laboratory
See more of: Technical Program