Integrated product development with shape memory alloys: On the importance of the interface between alloy design and product development.
In this study we consider both, wire actuators and compression spring actuators of the latest generations. In addition to the design and tailor-made alloy and component manufacturing, the selection of suitable preload elements and the real friction conditions in housings affects the resulting thermomechanical hysteresis in operation. For the chosen SMA element the installation in terms of the working principle as well as the mechanical guidance of the moving element is of key importance for functional properties, stability and durability.
Ambient air or fluid flows in the target application significantly influence the heating and cooling behavior of the actuator. This does not only reduce the system performance but might also negative impact on the fatigue behavior. To avoid failure or performance reduction for thin wires of 200µm or smaller these influences urgently need to be monitored and if needed eliminated by an appropriate electronic controller.