Innovative applications of SMA actuators IV

Thursday, May 9, 2024: 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Meeting Room II (Hotel Cascais Miragem)
Mr. Jeff Brown, DYNALLOY, Inc. and Dr. Frederick Calkins, The Boeing Company
10:30 AM
Integrated product development with shape memory alloys: On the importance of the interface between alloy design and product development.
Dr. Christian Grossmann, Ingpuls Dynamics GmbH; Mr. Christoph Kellner, Ingpuls Dynamics GmbH; Mr. Sebastian Wehrenfennig, Ingpuls Dynamics GmbH; Dr. Alexander Paulsen, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Harald Buchalla, Ingpuls Dynamics GmbH; Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. André Kortmann, Ingpuls GmbH
10:45 AM
New Explorations of SMA Applications at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Jacob L Mingear, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Dr. John D Bernardin, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Dr. Daniel Savage, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Dr. Donald W. Brown, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Dr. Austin T Sutton, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Mr. Douglas Meredith, Los Alamos National Laboratory
11:00 AM
Design of an inchworm actuator based on a shape memory alloy wires
Mr. Kai Thüsing, Fraunhofer-IWU; Mr. Andreas Erben, Fraunhofer-IWU; Mr. Piet Hannes Maaß, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU; Mr. Benjamin John, Fraunhofer-IWU; Dr. Kenny Pagel, Fraunhofer-IWU; Prof. Welf-Guntram Drossel, Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU
11:15 AM
Origami-inspired Bistable SMA Microdevice
Mr. Vincent Gottwald, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Ms. Lena Seigner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Dr. Makoto Ohtsuka, Tohoku University; Prof. Manfred Kohl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
11:30 AM
Stretchable Auxetic SMA Actuators
Dr. Sabrina Curtis, Khanjur R&D; Dr. Don Schmadel, University of Maryland, Khanjur R&D
11:45 AM
Hybrid Shape Memory Alloy and Elecromechanical actuator systems
Mr. Michael Chrost, Ingpuls GmbH; Mr. Iñaki Navarro, Ingpuls GmbH; Dr. Burkhard Maass, Ingpuls Smart Shadings GmbH; Mr. Sebastian Wehrenfennig, Ingpuls Dynamics GmbH; Prof. Markus Richter, Chemnitz University of Technology; Mr. Muhammad Ali Javed, Chemnitz University of Technology
See more of: Technical Program