Wednesday, 20 August 2003
This presentation is part of : Asia Pacific Regional Initiative; Contributing to the Development of Neuropsychological Assessment in China: Report of a Pilot Program

S069-003 Neuropsychological and Cognitive Assessment: Principles and Practice

Cressida MacCuspie-Moore, Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, University of Melbourne, Kew, Australia

This course was designed as a basic introduction to the concepts of cognitive assessment and assumed no previous knowledge or experience. The following paper presents information relating to the general structure of the course and the domains covered in the lectures. Day One of the training course involved a review of basic neurology and neuroanatomy, as well as revision of common neurodegenerative conditions seen in the elderly such as Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, Vascular dementia and Subcortical disease. The first day also included a general introduction to the origins of neuropsychology, the basic principles in cognitive assessment, and key psychometric issues relating to test development, administration and interpretation. Day Two and Day Three provided information regarding the application of neuropsychological assessment in the clinical setting. Using the basic principles of neuroanatomy, neuropathology and cognitive assessment presented on the first day, the discussion incorporated the use of case studies to illustrate particular issues relating to assessment of common neurodegenerative conditions. General issues relating to assessment of the elderly including types of assessment, measures used to assess various cognitive domains, and client management issues were also discussed. Day Three of the seminar concluded with an open discussion on the processes and issues involved in developing locally sensitive and appropriate tests for China.

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