Wednesday, 20 August 2003
This presentation is part of : Fee-for-Service Comprehensive Geriatrics Outside the University Walls

S057-003 Role of Inpatient Psycho-geriatrics in a Community Hospital

Farhad Sholevar, Department of Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, Department of Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, PA, USA

When psychosis or severe behavioral problems precipitate crisis in the home or SNF, the OABU is a secure psychiatric unit with activities and staff prepared for elders. The anesthesia and medical consultants coexistent with the general hospital protect ECT and other aggressive interventions. Patients transition back and forth from ICU, monitored or medical surgical services as needed to the OABU. Local SNF's depend on this secure unit for depressed and demented patient transfer to stabilize the patient before return home. The integration of the unit into the general hospital works as patients flow in and out to the community. The re-opening of Partial Psych Geriatric-Hospital augments the routine use of Home Care after discharge form the OABU as these patients need longer follow-up than VNA can allow. This unit handles the most fragile and chronic mental health patients in the senior community.

Summary: Providing a continuum of mental health services to the elderly requires a team of professionals prepared to share their skills and advanced interest in psychogeriatrics. This community has a network of complex and deep resources united within a community hospital that provides under fee for service all aspects of psychogeriatrics.

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