Objective: Evaluation of a kinetotherapy program, upon depression, aerobic capacity, life satisfaction, self esteem, anxiety, and Cortisol and HGH secretion, as well as upon muscle strength and bone mass index in postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis
Design: A 50 minute kinethotherapy program has been applied for 24 weeks on 21 postmenopausal women (between 56-78 years old) with osteoporosis associated with depression, selected from rehabilitation clinics, and free of cardiac pathology.
Materials and Methods: Kinetotherapy program included exercises for back extension, for paravertebral muscles in orthostatic position, exercises at ergometric bycicle, 4 kg weight lifting exercises, heel drops 50 times/day, and 30 minutes walking on a flat surface each day. Evaluation of HGH and cortisol secretion before and after training has been done with the 1234 Delfia Research Spectrofluorimeter using FIA method involving Eu labelled monoclonal antibodies. The presence and severity of depression has been investigated with GDS and BDI evaluating scores before and after physical training.
Results: Our data have pointed out that physical training has a positive influence upon releasing depression by increasing the oxygen supply to the brain and also by increasing HGH secretion and decreasing cortisol serum levels with a positive impact upon muscle and bone strength.
Conclusion: Physical training is a useful and low cost method in the management of depression and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, increasing the bone mass index, as well as self efficacy and a general sense of well being.
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