Tuesday, 19 August 2003
This presentation is part of : Tuesday Poster Sessions

PB-040 Mathematical Modeling of Facial Emotion Perceptions on Elderly

Philippe Granato1, Raymond Bruyer2, Nawal Waucquier3, Jean-Pierre Van Gansberghe4, Stephane Duhem5, and Christian Libersa5. (1) psychiatrie, Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France, (2) Neuropsychologie, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education (unité de neurosciences cognitives). Université de Louvain la Neuve, Bel, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, (3) Medical Research, INSERM-CIC-CHR&U-LILLE, Lille, France, (4) Bruxelles, Belgium, (5) Medical research, INSERM-CIC-CHR&U-LILLE, Lille, France

Objective: The scientific exploration tool absence, objective and encoded to given back difficult the survey of the emotion perception.

Design: The goal of this work is the constitution of a referential for a elderly population of healthy topics.

Materials and Methods: M.A.R.I.E ". (Method of analysis and Research of the Emotion integration) (1; 3; 4). M.A.R.I.E. bases himself on the computer morphing that permits the pixels of a picture "A" toward the constituent pixels of a “B " picture "to pass progressively to the constituent. The population is constituted by 30 women and 30 men (63,53 +/-3 years) right-handers, without present neurological or psychiatric pathologies or in antecedents or treatment of no way and level of survey ferry +2 +/-1,65. (H.A.M.A.) (9,34+/-1,48) with a MATTIS score (138+/-1.7) and the (M.I.N.I.) v.4, are managed. The studied emotional sets are : angry/afraid; angry/sad; happy/sad; neutral/angry: neutral/disgusted; neutral/happy; neutral/afraid; neutral/surprise and neutral/sad.

Results: Results of every set have been adjusted by a curve sigmoid, expressing the logistical equation, where the three coefficients "a", “b" and "c" have been adjusted by iterations, until a satisfactory adjustment is found. The maximal derivative permits fear of the amplitude of categorical nature of the perception (the slope), the abscissa of the point of inflection indicates the stimulus for which the two answers have the same probability and the area under the curve (integral) expresses the sensitivity to the considered emotion. It results in a mathematical modeling of it.

Conclusion: This work completes the present research on emotions in functional imagery and open the functional metric possibilities of the facial emotion perception but also a possibility of survey of the mental representation of emotions. M.A.R.I.E. could offer perspectives in the psychiatrics elderly disorders and dementia.


1) Bruyer R., Granato P. (1999). Categorical effects in the perception of facial expressions M.A.R.I.E. a simple and discriminating clinical tool. European Review of Applied Psychology, 49, 3-10. 2) Ekman P., Friesen W.V. (1975). Unmasking the face. Englewood Cliffs (NJ), Prentice Hall. 3) Granato P., Bruyer R., Revillion J.J.(1996). Etude objective de la perception du sourire et de la tristesse par la méthode d'analyse de recherche de l'intégration des émotions "MARIE". Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 154, 1-9. 4) Granato P., Bruyer R. (2002). Measurement of facially expressed emotions by a computerized study: methode of study and analysis of integration of emotions: M.A.R.I.E. European Psychiatry, 2002 ; 17 : 1-10.

Funding source : This study was supported by the “Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique” for the year 1998, number 1954 from the French Government and the Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille to the Centre d’Investigation Clinique of Professor LIBERSA.

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