The Alzheimer patient during long years has had a traumatic effect on the caregiver. The psychic and somatic decompensation risk is genuine. The risk of depression is three times superior to a witness population, and more than half of caregiver population lives an psychological distress. One principal part of the burden is the presence of behavioral disorders in the patient. In the same way, the correct caregiver’s attitude contributes much towards the AD subject to an adaptation at his surroundings. This is why we have built an educational program able to answer all the essential wonders of information and advices asked by the caregivers and support them in their action.
Methodology: 6 training sessions during 2 hours are proposed for 15 days as a diaporama continued by a discussion. A booklet is given after the meeting. The group includes 12 persons maximum and is animated by 2 therapeutists. The 6 topics are: presentation of the diseases, social aspects, way of life of the caregiver, and work on the dysfonctionnal thinking, face the behavioral disorders, arrange the home and organize the daily life.
Evaluation: realized before and after the intervention program includes the mood evaluation (HAM-D), the anxiety evaluation, (HAM-A), a burden scale (Zarit) and also a medico-social questionnaire. The principal criterion evaluated is depression.
First results: they indicated a benefit on the affective feelings of the help relations and particularly on the prevalence of the depression.
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