The prevalence increase of Alzheimer disease and apparent disorders obliged to developed life and cure project for the severe stage. The institution life has to be thinking about the people's need and especially to prevent behavioral troubles. The environmental adjustment must answer at an accurate target: ensure the security, prevent behavioral disorder, reduce dependencies, create an exchangeable environment, help the staff to improve the quality of life. It is necessary to integrate early the choices of life project inside the architectural project, as it could be adapted at the target population chosen by the project developer. This preliminary and deeper work is necessary for all Alzheimer disease care unit developer.
This way of work had been applied on a great Alzheimer take care unit in Luxembourg in Europe. This nursing home of the XXIst century includes 120 beds for long term care, 33 beds for short rest, and a 60-place day center unit. A new care organization is realized with individual portable computers for all the staff. The time gains by this organization is to give to the old people workshops for stimulation based on the remaining capacity. This is a positive way of looking at changes in the human relationship between staff and residents.
It will describe choices and organizations of taking care of severe Alzheimer disease in the new generation of nursing homes.
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