The present paper examines the importance of prioritization in old age psychiatry as far as health policy making in Greece and psychiatric practice in general are concerned. Furthermore, the authors discuss certain perspectives associated with the organization and provision of services for the elderly.
By comparing the status of psychiatry and prioritization in Greece and other developed countries (EU, USA) the authors demonstrate and discuss the objectives, the means and the theoretical preconditions of such prioritization. In addition, analysis is made of the reasons that make prioritizing potentially necessary as well as of the most significant problems regarding its implementation in Greece according to the authors' views. The paper concludes with a discussion about the implications of prioritization abroad as well as about the possible positive and/or negative impact of its implementation in Greece especially for the elderly.
The authors conclude that within an international context marked by globalization and constant reformation, the dialogue on prioritization in Greece lags far behind. Education of health care professionals in biomedical ethics and health economics should be intensified. As far as prioritization is concerned there is no doubt that the field of psychogeriatrics needs further care and development. Additionally, given that mental health care resources are scarce, the authors suggest certain measures concerning prioritizing in psychiatric practive, in a way that fundamental principles of biomedical ethics, democracy and human rights are guaranteed for the elderly patients, particularly for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
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