Thursday, 21 August 2003
This presentation is part of : The Impact of Caregiving Across Different Dementia Diagnosis

S076-005 Families and Caregiver Burden

Mira Josic de Hernandez, Venezuelan Alzheimer´s Foundation, Bello, Venezuela

Why must we support families and patients, train family caregivers so that they can bear tension, stress, depression and intensive emotional changes?

Because, families and Caregivers have emotional situations: denial, more concern, loneliness, irritability, impotence, guilt, sadness, depression, shame, frustration and others. Who cares for the patient and assumes the emotional and economic burden? Conflicts that arise in families due to disease impact on each stage. The emotional and economical situations, lack of information and incapacity to assume the burden on disease advances.

Why must the families know AD evolution, its sequels and the process demands?

Why we must support the Caregiver? Effective Training and support could improve quality of care for patient, caregiver and patient health. Further Studies will help to identify and understand effective caregiver intervention program and to develop best practical criteria. We need care for Caregiver, each problem or situation must to be treated in a qualitative and individualized form, and be evaluated by a Multidisciplinary Trained Team. All Programs and materials should be adapted to meet the needs of families. Responding to carers needs has become a primary objective of Health in Venezuela, a model of respite services have been established with the aim of family, Program: Training, Orientation and Assistance for Dementia Center (T.O.A.D.C)

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