Demography:Population 67 million.5.1m60+. 4.2m 65+. .8m85+. 40%urban. male/female 1:1. Old age pathology estimated: Dementias 250000, major-depression 150,000, pathological loneliness 300,000. Institutions: nil. Residential homes dwellers:3,000. Geriatritians: 50. Old age psycjiatrists: 50. Gerontology nurses: 20. Occupational therapists: nil.
Most care within old person home, by his family, main careers spouses and daughters, with little support from government or community. Career burden is high, Quality Of Life is poor.
Quality of care variables: Specific PsychoGeriatric Services eg special care units for Alzheimer challenging behavior:nil Emerging services:memory clinics,alzheimer society run family training and counseling initiatives.
CHALLENGES: 1.) Lack of a national/local framework on ACTION on dementia. 2.) Low priority for expenditure on elders' health by a government overwhelmed by population-explosion problem. 3.) Dwarfed civil society sector,a long story. 4.) Disinterested private sectors; another long story.
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