Thursday, 21 August 2003
This presentation is part of : IPA Awards for Research in Psychogeriatrics

KP005-003 De Novo Genesis of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Yonas E. Geda1, Glenn E Smith2, Bradley F. Boeve3, David S. Knopman3, David A Mrazek4, Steven D. Edland4, and Ronald C. Petersen Petersen. (1) Department of Psychiatry & Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, (2) Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, (3) Department of Neurology and Mayo Sleep Disorders Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, (4) Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC) (4), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

Background:.There is inadequate information regarding the neuropsychiatric aspect of MCI. Objective: To determine the neuropsychiatric profile of MCI, and compare this with normal controls and patients with mild Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Design: Cross-sectional assessment of psychiatric symptoms in subjects that are enrolled in Mayo Clinic’s longitudinal study of normal aging, MCI and dementia. Methods and Participants: The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) was administered to normal control subjects, MCI subjects and patients with early AD. A history of major depression or being on psychotropics was an exclusion criterion for MCI diagnosis. Individual NPI domain scores and total NPI scores were compared among the three groups after controlling for age, educational status, Dementia Rating Scale (DRS) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores. Statistical analysis was performed by utilizing ANOVA, Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test. Results: There were 514 normal controls, 54 MCI subjects, and 87 subjects with mild AD (mean CDR of 0.8); females consisted of 60.3 %, 53.7 % and 57.5 %; and, the average ages (SD) were 77.8 (1.95), 79 (4.6), 80.5 (14.6) respectively. ANOVA pair-wise comparison revealed that both MMSE and DRS differences among the three groups were significant at (P=0.05). The total NPI scores were significant (P=0.0001, F=107.93) among the three groups using ANOVA. Pair-wise comparison showed statistically significant differences between MCI and normals, and MCI and AD. Group differences remained after controlling for age and education at P=0.0375 and P=0.0050 respectively. Conclusion: The neuropsychiatric profile of MCI subjects is between that of normal controls and AD subjects.

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