Fracture Appearances and Failure Modes in Aluminum Alloys
Fracture Appearances and Failure Modes in Aluminum Alloys
Monday, September 12, 2022: 4:40 PM
Convention Center: 260 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Aluminum alloys are used for a wide range of applications due to their cost, light weight, appearance, ease of fabrication, properties (physical and mechanical), and corrosion performance. When aluminum alloys fracture, it is of benefit to examine the fracture surfaces to determine the failure mode and aid in identifying the root cause of failure, especially in instances when failure was unanticipated.
This presentation is based on an article to be published in the latest edition of ASM Handbook Volume 12 (Fractography) and provides practical information and examples of fracture features observed in wrought and cast aluminum alloys. Much of this presentation will be dedicated to explaining and discussing visual examples of fracture features observed at different length scales to guide in failure mode identification.