Fractography (Vol. 12)

Monday, September 12, 2022: 3:00 PM-5:20 PM
Convention Center: 260 (Ernest N. Morial Convention Center)
Mr. Ronald Parrington, P.E., FASM1, Mr. Craig Schroeder, PE2, Mr. Mark A. Hineman, P.E., C.W.I.1 and Mr. David Christie3, (1)Engineering Systems Inc. (ESi)(2)Briggs and Stratton(3)Retired, IMR Test Labs/Curtiss Wright Corp.
3:00 PM
Fractography in Failure Analysis
Mr. Eric Omohundro, IMR Test Labs
3:20 PM
Intro to Types and Appearances of Fracture
Mr. Ronald Parrington, P.E., FASM, Engineering Systems Inc. (ESi)
3:40 PM
(V) Photography of Fracture Surfaces
Mr. David Christie, Retired, IMR Test Labs/Curtiss Wright Corp.
4:00 PM
An Introduction to Fractal Analysis
Mr. Tony Havics, PE, pH2, LLC
4:20 PM
Fractographic Evaluation of Potentially Embrittled Steel Components
Mr. Brett Miller, P.E., FASM, IMR Test Labs
4:40 PM
Fracture Appearances and Failure Modes in Aluminum Alloys
Dr. Ellen E. Wright, Ph.D., P.E., Engineering Systems Inc. (ESi); Mr. Ronald Parrington, P.E., FASM, Engineering Systems Inc. (ESi); Dr. Dale E. Alexander, Ph.D., P.E., Engineering Systems Inc.
5:00 PM
Metallurgical Failure Analysis of Small Engine Components
Mr. Craig Schroeder, PE, Briggs & Stratton, Briggs and Stratton
See more of: Failure Analysis