Laser Chemical Etching Trench Refinements for Backside Debug Journey to the Circuit Layer

Tuesday, December 8, 2020: 3:25 PM
Mr. Matthew M. Mulholland , Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Dr. Shida Tan , Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Muhammad Usman Raza , Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
Dr. Robert D. Chivas , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Mr. Scott Silverman , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Dr. Michael DiBattista , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Matthew Levesque , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Dr. Christopher G.L. Ferri , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Jordan Furlong , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA