Thursday, November 3, 2022: 8:00 AM-9:00 AM
Ballroom D (Pasadena Convention Center)

The analytical techniques of nanoprobing and atomic force microscopy are seeing a renaissance in their use in semiconductor process development and yield engineering. Having long been available for "direct" measurements of properties such as topography or the various current/ voltage/ conductance properties of a single device, new interest is gaining in the additional properties of device performance or junction structure that these techniques enable. 

The 2022 ISTFA Nano/Scanning Probe Users Group meeting will start out with four lightning talks to cover the spread of techniques available in this field: One will be about AFM measurements; one about nanoprobing, per se, and one about advanced junction or other exotic properties. An open discussion will follow. Greg Johnson, Zeiss Microscopy and Mr. Nicholas Antoniou, Primenano inc.,

See more of: Technical Program