Wednesday, 20 August 2003
This presentation is part of : Eastern European Initiative Symposium

S063-002 The Major Antioxidant Enzymatic System in Alzheimer’s Disease

Jerzy,Waldemar Leszek1, Barbara Janicka2, and Andrzej Kiejna1. (1) Clinic of Psychiatry, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, (2) Psychiatry, University of Wroclaw, Wroc³aw, Poland

Background: The cause of pathological changes in Alzheimers disease(AD) is a disturbance in the equilibrium between the reactive forms of oxygen and the antioxidative mechanisms. One of the possible explanation of this oxidative stress is a perturbation in antioxidati, especially enzymatic system.

Objective:To examine of activity Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) ,gluthatione reductase (GSH) ,glutathione peroxidase(GSH Px) in erythrocytes of AD patients compared with vascular dementia(VD) patients and assessment their a possible connection with the stage of the disease and patients age and sex.


Materials and Methods:84 of AD patients,20 patients with vascular dementia , and 25 healthy controls were examined. The routine psychiatric examination and psychometric tests(MMS, CGI, Haschinski’s scale) were employed .Superoxide dismutase-SOD-1 ,gluthatione reductase and peroxidase were evaluated by means of spectrophotometric method; ,for the first time prior to instituting therapy and then every six months during a two year’s treatment. Acetylocholinoesterase inhibitors (Rivastigmine or Donepezil) and vasoactive drugs (eg.Vinpocetine)\were administere.

Results:No significant fluctuations was noted in the activity of peroxidase and gluthatione reductase, while there was a increase in the activity of SOD-1(by 12%) in early stages of AD and a reduction in the activity of all the enzymes in the advanced stage of the disease .No activity fluctuation was noted in vascular dementia nor any connection of it with the patients’ age and sex.

Conclusion:The obtained results may indicate that a major antioxidant enzymatic system is disturbances in AD. Our date supporting the role of oxidative stress in the progression of this disease.

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