Wednesday, 20 August 2003
This presentation is part of : Eastern European Initiative Symposium

S063-003 What�s Going on with Psychogeriatrics in Serbia?

Alecsandra Milicevic Kalasic, National Committee for Mental Health, National Committee for Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Belgrad, Yugoslavia

Demographic estimation shows that there are 1,698,730 billion aged 60 and more, 133,849 aged 80 and more, living in Serbia. This data qualifies Serbia as 10th place among 20 countries with the oldest citizens. The National Committee for Mental Health was established in January 2003 by Ministry of Health Republic of Serbia, and gives a certain importance of psychogeriatric issues. Psychogeriatrics is in package of changing; it is important to find place in these turbulent times showing what has been done and what have to be done.

In front of The Committee is difficult task: - lack of skilled professionals, - lack of motivation and - lack of net of psychogeriatric services.

The first step is the net-making of institutions, professionals and non-professionals involved in topic. Along with this is evaluation of already existed institutions and planning of the missing ones like: day centers, respite hospitals for demented according to findings needs trough screenings for early detection of psychological disorders and inquires. Promotion of the field with constant education of professionals and non-professionals especially families of mentally ill patients, takes priority. The presentation will be resume of previous, contemporary and future activities.

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