According to the last census in 2000,the total population of Turkey is 65 million.People of 65 years and older represent 6% of total population. There is a drastic shortage of modern institutions for the elderly care in Turkey. Recently developements relating to standardization of services for elderly by the government has begun to emerge.The concept of service for elderly shifted from institutionalized care to other fields(e.g. day care units).Three years ago, the Department of Social Work and Care developped a project under the title "taking care of the elderly at their homes". According to this project,the public who would like to care for the elderly at their home will be trained. 3% of the old age population in Turkey are in need of protection and permanent care in an institution.There are few nursing homes for these elderly people.10% of the beds in old age homes run by the the Health Ministry and Municipalities are spared for demented and physically debilitated patients.The staff working with this population is well trained. There are few specialist psychogeriatric services in Turkey. 5% of the psychiatric beds in teaching hospitals are occupied by elderly 60 years and older.The elderly with psychiatric problems are placed in general psychiatry departments and are treated by general psychiatrists.The interest of the general psychiatrists in geriatric psychiatry has increased in recent years. Geriatric psychiatry is one of the main topic in national symposium and congress.
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