Monday, 18 August 2003: 07:00-08:30
Chicago Sheraton Ballrooms (Sheraton Hotel and Towers)

S103 Effective Management of Patients with Dementia and Psychotic Symptoms

This symposium will provide a critical overview to what is known and not known about the effectiveness and safety of atypical antipsychotics for treating symptoms of psychosis in patients with dementia. It will consider the evidence base for the older atypical antipsychotics, their efficacy compared with their adverse events and utility, and then proceed to consider the potential for new recently approved atypical antipsychotics.
Chair:Dilip V. Jeste
 S103-001 Potential Impact of Atypical Antipsychotics on the Treatment of Psychosis of Dementia
Lon Schneider
 S103-002 Special Considerations for the Pharmacotherapy of Psychosis Associated with Dementia
Dilip Jeste
 S103-003 Efficacy of a Next-Generation Antipsychotic: Implications for the Management of Psychosis Associated with AD
Peter P De Deyn

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