Satellite Symposia

 Monday, 18 August 2003

S103 Effective Management of Patients with Dementia and Psychotic Symptoms 
S104 Treating Depresion in the Elderly Patient: Translating Empirical Data into Real-World Applications 

S105 Clinical Effectiveness of Atypical Antipsychotics in Dementia 
S106 A Comprehensive Review of the Pivotal Role of Galantamine in the Treatment of Dementia 
 Tuesday, 19 August 2003

S107 Modeling Effective Treatment of Psychoses: A Focus on Avoiding Movement Disorders 
S108 Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs for the Treatment of Psychiatric Symptoms of Dementia: A New Look at Meaningful Outcomes 

S109 Beyond Alzheimer's Disease: Understanding Vascular Dementia in Our Patients 
S110 Achieving Balance in Symptom Management in Elderly Patients with Dementia: An Evidence-Based Approach 
 Wednesday, 20 August 2003

S111 Spectrum of Mood Disorders in the Elderly: Emerging Concepts 
S112 Global Challenges in Alzheimer's Disease: Emerging Therapeutic Strategies 

S113 Behavioral Symptoms in Dementia: Challenging the Current Treatment Paridigm 
S114 Cerebrovascular Risks in the Elderly: What Every Clinician Should Know 
 Thursday, 21 August 2003

S115 Depression and Pain in the Older Patient: Treating All the Symptoms to Achieve Remission 
S116 Neuroprotection: Basic Science Data and Clinical Implications 

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