Tuesday, 19 August 2003: 13:45-15:15
Chicago Sheraton Ballrooms (Sheraton Hotel and Towers)

S033 Geriatric Psychiatry in Spain

In 1988 was founded the Sociedad Espaņola de Gerontopsiquiatria y Psicogeriatria (SEGP)with the objectives of cooperate in the scientific, technitian, welfare, educational and research progress, as well as in all the scopes of its competence in the Psychiatry of the involutive, presenile and senile ages, in the elevation of the professional levels of its specialists and in the promotion of the Mental Health in those ages. Since this date the SEGP has been extended the number og its aassociates and has developed their activities in 12 Annual Meetings and three National Congresses. In this Symposium we want to present our accomplishments in the fields of assistence, treatment, research, training and publications in the Spanish Psychogeriatric.
Chair:Josep M Costa-Molinari
 S033-001 Spanish Consensus in Dementia
Manuel Martin-Carrasco
 S033-002 The Organization of Psychogeriatric Services in Spain
Raimundo Mateos
 S033-003 Training in Geriatric Psychiatry in Spain
Manuel Sanchez

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