8 Session 8: Photon Based Techniques: One Step Beyond

Tuesday, November 13, 2012: 9:55 AM-11:35 AM
101AB (Phoenix Convention Center)
Session Chairs:
Dr. Felix Beaudoin and Mr. Jim Colvin
9:55 AM
Dual-phase Interferometric Confocal Imaging for Electrical Signal Modulation Mapping in ICs
Mr. Abdulkadir Yurt, Boston University; Euan Ramsay, Boston University; Hakan Koklu, Boston University; Christopher Stockbridge, Boston University; Yang Lu, Boston University; Selim Unlu, Boston University; Bennett Goldberg, Boston University
10:45 AM
Improving the DLS Workflow
Mr. Dan J. Bodoh, Freescale Semiconductor; Kent Erington, Freescale Semiconductor
11:10 AM
Differential Polarization Imaging and Probing: Seeing the Invisible
Dr. Baohua Niu, Intel Corp.; Dr. Martin Von Haartman, Intel Corporation; Patrick Pardy, Intel Corporation; Mitchell Sacks, Intel Corp.
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