Spectrum Sharpening on Rotation Averaged TEM Nano Beam Electron Diffraction Patterns

Tuesday, November 11, 2014: 8:25 AM
310 B (George R. Brown Convention Center )
Dr. Yongkai Zhou , WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore
Dr. Younan Hua , WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore
Mr. Xiaomin Li , WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore


In this work, we have applied the Maximum-Likelihood deconvolution method on the rotation averaged TEM diffraction pattern spectrum for peak sharpening.We have demonstrated by case studies that this method is very effective to improve the accuracy of the nano beam electron diffraction method. Phase identification and strain analysis can then be done more precisely in the nano meter scale.
See more of: Microscopy I
See more of: Symposium