TEMautoReporting: Automation of elemental analysis and TEM reporting with GUI (Graphical User Interface)
TEMautoReporting: Automation of elemental analysis and TEM reporting with GUI (Graphical User Interface)
Thursday, November 3, 2022: 11:50 AM
Ballroom B (Pasadena Convention Center)
The novel non-commercial technique presented in this paper is a historical and industry-first milestone of developments of elemental analysis and data reporting from raw data, obtained by TEM related techniques, with a layered architecture, in which “specific skills” are created on top of so-called "generic skills" (i.e., generic robot behaviors like motions). With this so-called skill-oriented robot programming approach, time-efficient and cost-efficient data production has been established in extremely high accuracy, speed and comprehension. The speed and productivity of images and maps, obtained from both collected raw data and jobs in the queue, cannot be reached by manual operation, and the accuracy and comprehension cannot practically be obtained routinely on each job by human interaction because it is too time consuming.
The novel non-commercial technique presented in this paper is a historical and industry-first milestone of developments of elemental analysis and data reporting from raw data, obtained by TEM related techniques, with a layered architecture, in which “specific skills” are created on top of so-called "generic skills" (i.e., generic robot behaviors like motions). With this so-called skill-oriented robot programming approach, time-efficient and cost-efficient data production has been established in extremely high accuracy, speed and comprehension. The speed and productivity of images and maps, obtained from both collected raw data and jobs in the queue, cannot be reached by manual operation, and the accuracy and comprehension cannot practically be obtained routinely on each job by human interaction because it is too time consuming.