Investigation of the Growth Mechanics of Laser Assisted Copper Deposition for Circuit Edit Applications

Thursday, November 3, 2022: 10:35 AM
Ballroom A (Pasadena Convention Center)
Dr. Michael DiBattista , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Jordan Furlong , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Matthew Levesque , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Mr. Tom Harper , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Dr. Christopher G.L. Ferri , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Mr. Scott Silverman , Varioscale, San Marcos, CA
Dr. Nathan Bakken, PhD , Intel Corporation, Folsom, CA
Mr. Matthew M. Mulholland , Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA


Laser assisted copper deposition has studied extensively but optimal conditions for reproducible deposition have not been firmly established in direct write applications. We investigate a new copper chemistry delivery methodology using direct precursor pulsing. and demonstrate experimental results on electronic materials such as front side integrated circuits, silicon, oxide, and semiconductor packaging.