Absolute Temperature Thermal Mapping Methodology for Tester Applications
Absolute Temperature Thermal Mapping Methodology for Tester Applications
Thursday, November 3, 2022: 2:05 PM
Ballroom A (Pasadena Convention Center)
Commonly, absolute temperature mapping requires the device under test (DUT) to be heated to two separate temperatures in order to perform an in-situ calibration to account for device emissivity and environmental characteristics. The in-situ calibration procedure often uses a thermal chuck to heat the DUT and must be performed before the actual temperatures of the DUT can be obtained for the desired operating conditions. Throughout the calibration and absolute temperature mapping process, the DUT cannot be moved. The application of temperature mapping to DUTs requiring boards and sockets, such as in tester based applications, has traditionally been challenging, due to the requirement that the DUT not be moved and the difficulty of heating the DUT through the thermal mass of the boards and sockets the DUT is mounted to. To address this challenge, an alternative in-situ calibration method for absolute temperature mapping is proposed. This alternative calibration method is performed entirely at room temperature and eliminates the logistical challenges of the requirement related to heating the sample.
Commonly, absolute temperature mapping requires the device under test (DUT) to be heated to two separate temperatures in order to perform an in-situ calibration to account for device emissivity and environmental characteristics. The in-situ calibration procedure often uses a thermal chuck to heat the DUT and must be performed before the actual temperatures of the DUT can be obtained for the desired operating conditions. Throughout the calibration and absolute temperature mapping process, the DUT cannot be moved. The application of temperature mapping to DUTs requiring boards and sockets, such as in tester based applications, has traditionally been challenging, due to the requirement that the DUT not be moved and the difficulty of heating the DUT through the thermal mass of the boards and sockets the DUT is mounted to. To address this challenge, an alternative in-situ calibration method for absolute temperature mapping is proposed. This alternative calibration method is performed entirely at room temperature and eliminates the logistical challenges of the requirement related to heating the sample.