Complete in-situ workflows of failure analysis and defect localization using a state-of-the-art FIB/SEM microscope

Monday, October 31, 2022: 4:20 PM
Ballroom B (Pasadena Convention Center)
Dr. Adam W Stokes , Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hillsboro, OR
Mr. Libor Strakos , Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brno, Czech Republic, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brno, Czech Republic
Mr. Trevan Landin , Thermo Fisher Scientific, Brno, Czech Republic


In many cases, complex failure analysis requires multiple characterization instruments. For example, a defect or failure may be localized using one instrument, whereas the subsequent marking, precision targeting and high-resolution analysis may require completely different instrument(s). As a result, these workflows require sample and operator coordination between instruments which leads to lower throughput and success rate. In this talk, we demonstrate completely in-situ workflows that cover whole processes of failure analysis using a state-of-the-art FIB/SEM.
See more of: FIB Sample Preparation
See more of: Technical Program