Memory Array Debug strategies using FIB assisted Milling

Thursday, November 3, 2022: 9:50 AM
Ballroom A (Pasadena Convention Center)
Mr. Muhammad Usman Raza , Intel, Chandler, AZ
Larry Q. Tran , Intel, Chandler, AZ
Giang-Huong Nguyen , Intel, Chandler, AZ
Danh Tran , Intel, Chandler, AZ
Dennis Tam , Intel, Chandler, AZ
Mr. Richard H. Livengood , Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA


Memory array debug needs resolution down to the bit level and we have provided support for that to validate test fails using FIB assisted milling. In this presentation, we will present novel ways to use FIB assisted milling to use newly developed methodology to complete this debug in a more successful manner.