Combining Electrical Fault Isolation and Characterization Inside an SEM to Locate and Characterize Gate Leakages on a 3 nm Device

Friday, November 1, 2024: 8:40 AM
202 (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)
Mr. Andreas Rummel , Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr. Matthias Kemmler , Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Mr. Klaus Schock , Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr. Andrew Jonathan Smith , Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr. Stephan Kleindiek , Kleindiek Nanotechnik GmbH, Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Dr. Lorenz Lechner , Kleindiek Inc., Pleasanton, CA


By scanning areas with probe needles we visualize 3nm gates with sub pA resolution, do probing, EBAC, EBIC, EBRICH using a probing system without hardware modification. Results: - Identifying leaking gates out of 50 - 100 with one scan on 3 nm technology - Characterizing 50 - 100 gates with sub pA resolution with one scan on 3 nm technology - No hardware modification necessary - No sample damage even at the smallest currently available technologies - Fast failure location by combining current imaging and EBIRCH - Electron beam is switched off during scanning to avoid sample damage by electron beam